Teen Young Adult Mental Health

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, we have experienced a mental health crisis, especially among teens and young adults with significantly increased rates of anxiety and depression.

Like physical health, we must treat mental health as equally important.  When mental health issues affect teens and young adults, this can affect them in many ways and in many settings, such as home and school/university.  Short-term effects of teen mental health include Increased feelings of sadness, anxiety, or irritability; difficulty concentrating in school; and withdrawal from social activities and friendships.  Long-term risks include issues extending into adulthood; higher risk for developing chronic health conditions; possible risky behaviors; declining grades and school absence; and loss of interest in activities.  

There are multiple ways to support adolescent and young adult mental health.  One of the ways is through counseling.  Counseling will encourage open communication and dialogue while facilitating a safe space to express feelings and concerns.  When appropriate, counselors will work with parents and other family members, to strengthen healthy communication, improve relationships, navigate resources, and collaborate with other professionals.  

Dr. Spiegelhoff & Associates works with teens and young adults from area schools and districts, including but not limited to West Genesee, Marcellus, Skaneateles, Baldwinsville, West Hill, CBA, and Manlius Pebble Hill.  We have worked with college students from Syracuse University, SUNY Oswego, and Onondaga Community College, and provided telehealth to students at other colleges across NY.

For more information about counseling services, see the FAQ page.